Growth Groups & Central Prayer Meeting

Growth Groups meet on Wednesday or Thursday evenings at 7.30pm to study the Bible in various homes around the city. On the first Wednesday of each month we meet to pray together at the church building at 7.30pm.


Growth Groups are integral to our growth and fellowship as believers at All Saints. We encourage everyone who is a regular attendee and considers themselves to be a part of our church family to make this a priority. If you are not already involved in a Growth Group then please do talk to Nathan (Vicar) about how to join one.

We have an alternative daytime women’s Growth Group that meets on Wednesdays from 10am for women who are unable to be involved in an evening Growth Group. A crèche is provided. A men’s morning Growth Group also meets in the church building at 10:30am on Wednesday mornings as an alternative to the evening groups. Please contact Hannah ([email protected]) or Nathan ([email protected]) if you are interested in joining these Growth Groups.