Women @ All Saints
As women at All Saints our aim is to encourage one another to grow in our knowledge and love of Jesus and to share our faith with those around us.
We want to encourage helpful relationships between women in our church family based on the model in Titus 2 where older women train and encourage younger women in the faith. Here are some ways that help us to do this:
One-to-one Bible Studies and Prayer Triplets
At All Saints we encourage women to meet up in small groups to read the Bible with one another and pray together as we strive to live for Jesus and share the gospel.

Women’s Weekend Away
Once a year the women from our church family are invited to join a weekend away, when we enjoy fellowship, Bible study and fun together.
Keep an eye on this page for updates on how to book on.

Courses for Women
We run various courses for women within the church family aiming to train and disciple. These include Bible Handling, Bible Overview and Bible Doctrine seminars. Look out for dates coming this year!

Women’s Breakfast
Once a term we meet together on a Saturday morning for breakfast and fellowship. We read and discuss a passage from the Bible and pray for one another as we encourage one another to live for Jesus.

Get in touch with Hannah (Women’s Worker)
